Thursday, July 29, 2010

safe and sound

Last night Noemi and I went to the mission home for an FHE activity with the young single adults in the stake. It was a lot of fun! The mission president and his wife, President and Sister Carter, are from Montreal, Canada, so they're fluent in French and English (happy for us). Sister Carter gave a spiritual thought about allowing the joy of the gospel to shine through everything we do, and for us to be a joyful people. It was really inspiring. President Carter shared a thought about the importance of the Book of Mormon and challenged all of us to give one to someone. He handed out books and little slips of paper listing some of the particularly powerful sections of the Book of Mormon to glue into the front cover to make it a little bit less overwhelming for people to read. Maybe I grabbed two of them...and maybe I definitely need to give them to people before I leave because they're too heavy to take on the plane with me (I've bought way way way too many things).
Anyway, after that we ate dinner and then played the ever classic French game of boules/petanque! It's the game where you throw the heavy balls ("boules") and try to get them as close to the little ball ("cochonnet") as possible. Noemi and I were really good at it at first, but then our beginner's luck ran out, and we lost bad...but it was okay because we played around the world ping pong and I won! Yeah!

All in all, a fun evening. No youth hostel cafeteria food, no having to ride the metro late at night (huge thank you to the Larsons for driving us!), no crazies hitting on us.
We like hanging out with the Mormons.


  1. love it!! in the US they call it "bocce ball" we played it at a ward choir bbq earlier this week! it really is a fun game

  2. I hope you find two people to give the BoMs to! That is an awesome opportunity.
