Monday, August 2, 2010

encounters with the word of wisdom

Noemi and I have had a couple of kind of funny experiences accidentally ingesting alcohol:

Last week we had rum raisin ice cream at Madame M's...and after our throats started burning we realized that it actually had rum in it...when she left the room to grab some more water, we had a very tense conversation,
"Oh my gosh, this has alcohol in it!"
"What are we going to do?"
"Quick, open the door, throw it in that plant's pot!"
"Crap, she's coming back!"
"Just let it melt!"
So that's exactly what we did. We let three scoops worth of Carte d'Or ice cream (read: not cheap) melt on our little plates. Oops.

Then today, when we were visiting Madame B in a retirement home, she offered us some chocolate. Little did we know but they were all liqueur-filled. I took one bite and had alcohol something gushing all over the place, so I just held the rest of the chocolate in the wrapper in my hand for the rest of the conversation. Noemi quietly slipped hers into her purse. The problem was, there was still a ton of liqueur in that thing, so when I adjusted my hand all of a sudden there was all of this liquid running between my fingers and all over my pant leg. I couldn't do anything about it but let sticky mess get everywhere. Noemi noticed and then we both started laughing. Rather vocally. Right in the middle of a conversation about the maladies of the elderly. Oh dear.

What can we say? We're easily entertained.


  1. haha! that's great. That reminds me of a time in mexico when we ordered virgin drinks and ended up drinking a little vodka and a little rum. we figured it out quick though- alcohol is nasty.

    sorry about the liqueur running down your pants!

  2. Haha oh no! You probably just could have told them though that you can't have alcohol and you didn't know it had any at first. They might have been a little offended (but probably not) and it could have been a missionary experience! Do that next time!
