Thursday, August 5, 2010

parfum peche blanche

Today I had the opportunity to participate in a sortie to go to a cafe at the Jardin des Plantes for ice cream. A new French volunteer and I went to pick up two ladies who are in wheelchairs and another lady who doesn't walk too well. It was fun to speak French with the volunteer because she's closer to my age. We were supposed to meet three other volunteers who were accompanying 6 other elderly people.
There were a lot of mix ups in communication so we ended up at the Grand Rond instead of the Jardin des Plantes which meant we had to get the ladies across a bridge going up and over the street and then walk through the Jardin des Plantes to get to the cafe. Whew. Walking with that wheelchair uphill was tricky. A very nice French lady noticed me struggling and helped me push it up the hill. Going downhill I swear my body was at a 45 degree angle to balance out the force (shudder...having physics 121 free body diagrams come to mind). Anyway, we finally made it to the cafe and had some delicious ice cream. I had a lot of fun talking to a few of the ladies and one complimented my French! (ah, how I treasure those sorts of compliments, makes this all seem worth it.)

All in all, a good afternoon. However. I believed I was going to be getting lunch at this event, not just dessert. So I did not eat lunch. So I was starving. Good thing I was informed of a Chinese restaurant/outdoor hut stand thing down the street from Francois Verdier. Good thing Noemi and I decided to go eat there. Best curry chicken I've had in Toulouse. Yum yum yum.

This weekend we're going to the beach! (provided we can still buy train tickets tomorrow) we're heading to the small, picturesque village of Collioure to get some Mediterranean sun!

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