Wednesday, September 29, 2010


In a vain attempt to hold onto France, I've found myself doing some little silly things:

I keep my cell phone clock in 24 hour mode.
I write my dates like this 29.09.2010 instead of this 09.29.2010.
I stare longingly at macaron recipes such as this one.
In order to be able to make above recipes, I stick a kitchen scale on my wedding registry.
I talk to myself in French sometimes while I drive.

I miss lovely Toulouse.
Sometimes I walk around the streets of the centre ville in my head. Down Jean Jaures, through Place Wilson, straight past Etam to Alsace Lorraine, down Alsace Lorraine to Rue de Metz...ah, so fun.

I've been back for over a month now, and I'm all accustomed to being American again.
And looking back I'd just like to say,
I'm very grateful for this past summer and for the time I spent in Europe. It was so eye-opening and so...stretching? character-wise. Sometimes it was really hard, you know, and not so fun. But when it was fun, man, it was fun. I cried a lot, I laughed a lot, I ate a lot, I learned a lot, I shopped a lot, I grew a lot. And it was probably my last chance to do something like that since I'm getting married this December and moving back east so my future husband can go to med school and I can go to grad school.

So, thanks BYU French department and International Study Program for this opportunity.
What a neat, neat experience.


  1. I know just what you mean, Katie. I do the same things with camp like wearing the anklet I wore all summer, keeping my pocket knife on me, and listing plants in my head. It was such a great opportunity, and I miss it a whole bunches just like you. I'm glad that you got to have such amazing experiences too!

  2. I do and feel the same about dc. My metro card is in my wallet, I think my comp is on the wrong time. ... Great post! I feel the same except we didn't go as foreign. :)

  3. I still write the date 29 Sept 2010 like they did all the time in Jerusalem. haha. Some things you just can't give up.
