Sunday, July 25, 2010

every member a missionary

I've found myself talking more about religion here in Toulouse than at any other point in my life I think. Religion is really important to a lot of the elderly that we visit (or they at least find it an interesting topic for discussion), so they always ask Noemi and I, "Etes-vous croyantes?" (Are you believers?) to which we always answer yes. We were talking with Madame Robin this week, and she asked us this and what sect we were from. When we answered Mormon, she asked us how that differed from her religion (catholicism). And boom, all of a sudden there I was bearing my testimony about the nature of the godhead, living prophets, and personal revelation. It was the coolest thing, because words were just tumbling out of my mouth. I was simultaneously totally panicked and totally calm as I would reach for a vocab word, and there it'd be. 
I don't know what Madame Robin thought about all that I was saying, but I felt the Spirit testify to me that it was true. 
And that was awesome.


  1. that is so cool! what a great story :)

  2. AWESOME. Thanks for sharing, Katie. This is one of my favorite posts so far.

  3. That is so great! I bet your mom is so proud, not only because of what you said, but that you said it in french! :)

    ps: we miss you. a lot.

  4. Good job Katie! That is wonderful that you can share your testimony with those people!
    Traveling in some other places in the world, we are not so lucky. I'm sure she felt the spirit too, even if she didn't know what it was!
